When you pray for one of the requests below, be sure to click on the I prayed for you button so that we can let the requestor know how many times their request has been lifted up.
Thank you for entrusting us with your prayer requests. We are honored to pray with and for you. Please keep in mind that Proverbs 31 Ministries is not a counseling ministry and cannot offer any services to you other than our prayers. If you feel that you do need counseling, please contact Focus on the Family’s counseling services or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
All prayer requests submitted to Proverbs 31 Ministries are reviewed and moderated before being posted. Proverbs 31 is under no obligation to post the prayer requests that we receive on our prayer wall, but we do pray for each and every one received.
You remain solely responsible for the content of your prayer requests and are agreeing to indemnify and hold harmless Proverbs 31 Ministries with respect to any claim based upon the transmission and posting of your prayer requests. Prayer requests are removed from the Prayer Wall within 3 days of posting, though we reserve the right to remove them at any time without notice.
Please pray for my son. God knows the details. Thank you.
Would please pray for my family for Salvation!! I've been praying for my family for 39yrs & my 2 Sisters claim to be saved, but, but their lifestyles don't portray being Born Again. Also, pray for me as I doubt my Salvation at times!! Thank You!!!
Praying that I stop swearing in mind against the holy spirit I pray that God will take these swear words would be gone and that he will clean my mind and soften my heart I pray that anything not of God will go away I pray that God will calm my mind
I’ve got to get a new but have some unique requirements for the right one due to health issues. I’m dashing for prayer that the Lord lead me to the one. Thank you
Need prayer for 2 separate families in my hometown, who lost a loved one to suicide last week; And a woman @ work who is harassing, causing hostility & calamity. Jesus please intervene! TY!
God to open a door for me to earn income ASAP. If it’s a job, to find the right one. If it’s completely walking by faith and doing what He is calling me to do, the courage, vision, opportunities. Not feel sad. Provision. God to bless me. Wisdom.
Apply to, find right career. Income soon. just be. Not b homeless. move where I should b ASAP. church home soon that’s amazing for me soon. Creative ideas to flourish. Use my voice. Direction for content, writing, podcast. Connections. Rest. Vision
I am a widow in DESPERATE need of financial help! I know God knows who I am, but would really appreciate you lifting me up to Him and asking for help. I am running on "pennies" right now and need help with bills! Thank you!
No harm to come near me. Kindness n my mom’s heart. Courage. God to provide, make away. Forgiveness. My finances to be blessed. Vision. pure heart. Clarity. Share my gifts. Leave my mom’s very soon. Feel loved. God to help me. new car soon. Write
Needing a job ASAP. I feel led to begin my speaking writing career Trust God. Move out of my mom’s into my own new place in the right city very soon and A new car soon. God to lead me, show me what to do next. b treated well. Guidance. Surrender
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