When you pray for one of the requests below, be sure to click on the I prayed for you button so that we can let the requestor know how many times their request has been lifted up.
Thank you for entrusting us with your prayer requests. We are honored to pray with and for you. Please keep in mind that Proverbs 31 Ministries is not a counseling ministry and cannot offer any services to you other than our prayers. If you feel that you do need counseling, please contact Focus on the Family’s counseling services or call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255.
All prayer requests submitted to Proverbs 31 Ministries are reviewed and moderated before being posted. Proverbs 31 is under no obligation to post the prayer requests that we receive on our prayer wall, but we do pray for each and every one received.
You remain solely responsible for the content of your prayer requests and are agreeing to indemnify and hold harmless Proverbs 31 Ministries with respect to any claim based upon the transmission and posting of your prayer requests. Prayer requests are removed from the Prayer Wall within 3 days of posting, though we reserve the right to remove them at any time without notice.
Discernment. Desires of my heart. Joy. Courage. Move away from those who repeatedly disrespect me and don’t treat me well. Healing. Obey. God’s compassion, another chance today. God to still bless me. Feel like myself. Move out of this house ASAP
Forgiveness God’s protection. Move out of my moms ASAP into my own new home n the right city. A new car. Uncommon favor Clarity on career earn income soon. Flourish. To be blessed. Kindness n my mom’s heart. Go in the right direction Use my gifts
Enjoy every moment of this weekend. Not busy, not burdened, not distracted. Eyes focused on Jesus. All details/ meals come together. Family quality time, great visiting.
Praying for fruit of the womb it’s been 4 years
Praying for God to send reenforcements of His perfect will always and light and shine down His love on all& uplifted us above it & let manifest always His perfect seal& Vengeance in my&all I care abouts& others,including leaders&governments lives24/7
My husband has been diagnosed with an eye stroke and all of a sudden has lost his sight. I know God has us, but I am struggling to know how to move forward. How to be strong for my husband and help him navigate these unchartered waters.
My husband has fallen prey to the enemy’s worldly lies. After 9 years together, he has decided to walk away from our marriage. I love my husband and know that the best way to fight is through prayer. Please pray the LORD expose all the lies!!
I have been dealing with a health issue that causes kidney issues, gastrointestinal issues, nausea, fatigue, and abdominal and back pain. No one can find an answer. It has been months of tests and appointments. I need relief and answers! Thank you.
Freedom Feel loved. My mom’s relationship with Jesus, her husbands. Kindness in my mom’s heart. Pace myself. strong support system, network of trusted friends. Desires of my heart Gods best for me. Take next steps. Surrender. Zeal. Rest. Finances
Decision to go back to college or not, starting next week. Funds to attend college. Not b sad. Joy, laughter today. My nieces, nephews to be safe and have a successful semester At school, to stay out of trouble, to love Jesus. Clarity. Wisdom
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